5 Tips to maintain a healthy body stay healthy and fit

5 Tips to maintain a healthy body stay healthy and fit

September 12, 2017 0
A healthy and fit body is everyone's dream, how to obtain health and fitness this body? Various tips on maintaining the health of the body can be obtained from sites about health and consultation directly to the medical doctors.
You can also follow the lifestyle of sportsman. A sports athlete, always maintaining health and fitness through lifestyle discipline. Starting from food, rest and daily life behavior is done on a scheduled basis. They do not carelessly consume fast food, let alone contain lots of cholesterol
Tips menjaga kesehatan tubuh tetap sehat dan bugar
In order to stay healthy and fit do jogging or healthy road
Maintaining a healthy body means you are grateful for the healthy favors of God, not doing bad things for body health, doing activities that do not harm yourself and your body.
This includes gratitude for the health of the body that you already have. Ignoring the health of sex, just as you let the body get infected with the disease.
Disease will arise when a person behaves dirty or not clean and the activities are wasting time (such as: excessive watching TV).
Starting a healthy and clean life is not difficult, take yourself to do simple things but useful.

Practical tips keep the organ fit for all ages

Diligent exercise is an action recommended by world health experts. In addition, providing nutritious food intake in the body will result in fitness. It is not advisable to exercise too much, because heavy exercise is not good for the body.
Perform according to ability, which is important routine and scheduled. Appropriate means; do sports not have to be in place Fitness, start with the most easy and cheap exercise, namely: Jogging and healthy road.
Spend approximately 30 minutes each day in the morning before leaving for work and in the afternoon you can do around the housing complex with the family. Joking, greeting the neighbors, will reassure your soul and feel comfortable living in a friendly Housing environment.

Here are 5 tips to maintain a healthy body naturally;
1. Always consume water
The majority of the human body is water, functioning to neutralize and remove toxins / poisons. When you perform daily activities will sweat and urinate. This is the main role of water, replacing the body fluids that have been secreted with toxins in the body. Minimum 8 liters per day.

2. Always think positive
In a healthy body there is a calm and healthy mind as well. So always try to think positive about all your life problems. Learning Ikhlas about all the bad things you face will help have positive thinking.

3. Get enough rest
Tired after a day of activity is one of the factors causing the decline of your immune system. So resting your body is a very appropriate step to eliminate that tired feeling. Get enough rest every day, is one factor to maintain your body resistance. In this case adequate and quality sleep (unscheduled).

4. Diligent exercise
Already we mentioned above, no need to impose sports activities should be in place Fitness. Enough with Jogging and healthy walking routine performed every morning and evening. Followed by the consumption of healthy foods 4 perfect 5, no need for luxury that is important nutritious. Try from natural ingredients instead of instant.

5. Avoid smoking and alcoholic beverages
Cigarettes contain chemical substances harmful to the body. Tar, Nicotine and Carbon Monoxide are included. While Alcohol, has the content of compounds that can weaken the nerves throughout the body, especially the head.
The danger of cigarette smoke interferes with your lung organ's performance, the toxic substances contained in cigarette smoke continue to accumulate before Ande stops sucking. More dangerous for people around you who do not smoke (passive smokers) will be affected by smoke coming out of smokers mouth, this smoke 2 times more danger than first suction.
Cigarettes and alcoholic beverages can lead to lung cancer and difficult to have offspring. For those of you who have not descendants should avoid consuming these 2 things, it is not a major factor but at least very influential when viewed from the content of toxic substances in it.
Some tips on maintaining a healthy body above will be easy to do with intentions really-sunguh. No need to immediately be forced to do totally, but little by little to get used to healthy living behavior. Do not forget to always pray to God Almighty to be given overflow of health sustenance. May be useful.
Lose weight without the hassle of eating less

Lose weight without the hassle of eating less

September 12, 2017 0
Make the ideal weight can be said easy-easy hard, this I experienced myself. Various ways to lose weight already in practice but has not given maximum results. The ideal ideal weight formula is: Ideal body weight = (one's height - 100) x 90%.
For example, I have a height of 156 cm.

So my weight can be calculated as follows:
- Ideal weight = (156-100) X 90%
- Finish in brackets first: 155-100 = 56
- Then the result is 55 x 90% = 50.4
- So, my ideal weight is 50.4 kg.
Tips mengurangi berat badan menjadi ideal
Make the ideal body with the consumption of nutritious food
For this method of weight control calculation, if you have a weight greater than 10 to 20 percent, than the ideal weight should be, then you can be said to be overweight.
However, if the weight you have exceeds 20 percent of the ideal weight, you include someone who is obese or overweight.
Having a fat body makes a person become insecure, but this is only a matter of view only.
Many people who are obese have an attractive appearance, but what is worried here if the fat body is excessive resulting in obesity so it can cause symptoms or diseases resulting from obesity / obesity.

Reduce obesity by self-discipline

A person who is accustomed to living discipline will always take good care of himself. especially keeping their ideal weight. Healthy is expensive, so you should do a good behavior to reduce weight so you do not get the disease because of obesity.
 Here are tips to reduce weight easily:
1. Get used to Breakfast
Breakfast is very good for the health of the body even now many invitations to breakfast before 9 o'clock. From breakfast the most important thing is to pay attention to what the food menu that morning.
Choose plant foods instead of animal ones so that fat accumulation can be avoided. Even if forced to eat the animal choose eggs as a side dish for a little fat.

2. Eat a healthy snack
Who does not like a snack? Sure of us all like to eat snacks especially when watching something or waiting for something. Eating a healthy snack will help you lose weight or at least keep your weight ideal. Eaten snacks made from beans are healthier and good for the body.

3. Avoid foods that contain lots of starch
Foods that contain lots of starch can cause your body to become fat. Eat naturally just do not be excessive so not too much pengumpikan fat. Foods such as noodles, bread and potatoes that contain lots of starch will add to your weight so the body becomes fat.

4. Do not be afraid to be fat
Just relax, live your life with a healthy lifestyle if a healthy lifestyle is applied in life, a fat body can be avoided. Fat body is not to be feared how to get a fat body that remains healthy and does not interfere with daily activities.

5. Eat a bit
How also a fat body caused by excessive eating, eat when hungry and stop before full because if too full is also not healthy for the body. Makes the body lazy to move so the body becomes fat.

6. Do Jogging or a healthy walk
Running and running a healthy routine is very good to lose weight because with a routine run of calorie-burning in the body occurs so that no calorie buildup that causes the body to become fat.

7. Do the sunnah fasting
Fasting gives physical and spiritual health, but should not fast with the intention of wanting to lose weight. For no one who fasts it will be thin except fasting without rules.
Logically, the energy released by the fast is the result of burning body fat. Automatically you help reduce weight to be ideal in a healthy way.

Maybe point number 7 slightly deviated from the tips to lose weight without the hassle of reducing the meal, but it's the most powerful way of maintaining a healthy body with fixed eating schedule. Body health is very important. Having a fat and healthy body is good but having an ideal body is also better.
Tips to make the face look young even if you are old

Tips to make the face look young even if you are old

September 12, 2017 0
Everyone's face will change with age, that is, look old. For those who want to always look dynamic, usually trying to make the face to look young in a variety of natural and non-natural way. This time I will share tips on making a young natural looking face by avoiding 5 types of food and drink.
Tips membuat wajah tampak muda alami dan sehat
The face looks young natural and healthy like a child's facial skin
Non-natural way you can do with a variety of facial treatments. You can use the services of facial salon and vitamin E consumption to tighten the facial skin.
It can not be denied, not just branded products that are able to change your skin condition. However, food and beverages have considerable influence on the beauty of your skin.

False foods and drinks can make the skin become unhealthy and tend to make the face look older.
If you care about the health of your body parts, then keep and treat your face well. This is a manifestation of a servant's gratitude towards God Almighty.

The way to avoid 5 foods and beverages

It's good you maintain a healthy body with no consumption of food and drinks at random to reduce the risk of facial aging. What foods and drinks can make the face look young and healthy?

1. Avoid sweet foods or drinks
For those of you who like to eat sweet foods and drinks, be careful. Therefore, sugar levels in the body can make your appearance look five years older than those who rarely consume sugar.
Controlling the sugar content in the body not only makes you exposed to diabetes but also avoid you look older.

2. There is excessive alcohol content
For alcohol lovers, be careful because this one can make your face look older than age. Alcohol can reduce antioxidants in your skin, so the skin was susceptible to stren and can solve collagen and elastin.
But if you have already consumed alcohol, the next day do not forget to daub skin with moisturizer and sunscreen to keep skin moist and healthy. For men just use an existing face cleanser vitamin E content.

3. Avoid excessive salt intake
Consuming excessive amounts of salt can make the water content in the body decreases. Where, the body will become weak and make your face look much older than usual. In addition, your stomach will easily terseran ulcer disease, begins to sting in the stomach.

4. High caffeine drinks
Caffeine is synonymous with coffee and energy drinks. This content can also damage the liver and dental health. Consuming caffeine on a regular basis can make the fluid in the body keeps out. It can make you become more lethargic. In addition, caffeine can also make the skin dry so that the face will look limp and aging.

5. Spicy food type
Are you a spicy food lover? be careful. Spicy foods can be a trigger face looks older than your age. This is because, the content in spicy foods can make blood vessel cells become wider and make facial skin become older.
Actually, there is no prohibition of consumption of food and beverage model above, just enjoy it. Except, alcoholic drink is very forbidden for Muslims. Learning discipline in taking care of yourself, can make the face look young natural and healthy. Try to practice, if it is successful do not forget you share.
5 healthy tips and ways to make your nails white and clean

5 healthy tips and ways to make your nails white and clean

September 12, 2017 0
Taking care of the cleanliness of the nails positively impacts the health of the body, use a healthy way to make the nails become pure white in a natural way. You can use the materials commonly found in the home environment. Body health can be disrupted if you neglect to keep your nails clean, especially the fingernails that are left long untreated.
5 tips dan cara sehat membuat kuku menjadi putih bersih
Beautiful fingernails
Although you've washed your hands while holding the food, nails still tucked some germs on the edge of the nail.
Moreover, your long nails have black dirt that is not swept while washing hands, the germs in the fingernails hand easily move to healthy food that you will consume and can cause stomach pain.
As busy as you are, take a moment taking care of nails hands and feet, because it has been described above the effect on the health of the body.
No need to fear taking up your time, use tips and healthy ways to make nails become white clean and natural below.
Check and read and practice every day, undoubtedly your nails will remain healthy and clean natural because using materials that are easy to obtain.

Makes clean nails shine using easy and inexpensive materials

Here I give you some healthy ways to make your nails become pure white, to restore the natural freshness of your nails.

1. Lemon and Salt
Small fruit is yellow and has a sour taste is very useful to brighten nails. Lemon with high acid content is useful as a natural lightening nails. If you want to brighten your nails with lemon, just rub it regularly on the nail layer.
For maximum results, you can combine lemon with salt and rub it on the tip of the nail.

2. Toothpaste
Nails are the hardest part of the body and have structures similar to teeth. Well, because of its tooth-like structure, you can use toothpaste as a way to whiten your nails.
How; just like you use it to brush your teeth. Take a toothbrush, apply toothpaste and rub it on your nails regularly every time you take a bath. This method is quite effective to make the nails look shiny, brighter and whiter.

3. Water Soap
In addition to a combination of lemon and salt, you can also combine lemon with a bowl of soapy water. Simply soak your nails about 4-7 minutes in the soapy water that you have mixed with lemon.
The first effect that will occur with your nails is a bit dry taste. After that to show healthy nails, apply lotion on the nail.
How to whiten nails in addition to the lemon is by combining soap water and white vinegar. Soak about 8 minutes and the natural white color of the nails slowly but will definitely return.

4. Baking Powder
One of the natural bleach that is quite famous and powerful is baking powder. Baking powder will restore the natural color of your nails when you silence this solution on your nails for about 30-60 minutes. Enough with that time, if more resulted in your fingers withered.

5. Avoid Nail Paint
In addition you do some ways to whiten the nail above, it's good to rest the use of nail polish. Resting the use of nail polish means avoiding the use of acetone that will erode the natural color on the nail.

If forced to wear nail polish, use that has natural ingredients from plant starch. Or you can use the leaves of kitek plant, the name in my area.
The leaves are mashed and taped to the nails. Allow to dry. The result, your nails will be somewhat orange. This can last 2-3 days even if you wash with soap.
Easy enough instead of making your nails become lighter? Try to do regularly using the above materials for the health of your nails and body. Hopefully useful, do not forget to share these beauty tips.
Overcome excess body fat with outdoor exercise

Overcome excess body fat with outdoor exercise

September 12, 2017 0
Fatty bodies for some people, especially women become a serious problem. But fat is also needed for energy provided it is not an excess. So the balance you need to keep through practical exercise in the house, for example. Or you would rather burn excess body fat with outdoors.
Examples of outdoor sports, this can mean the activities of sports are done outdoors together or own.
Usually, the easiest and cheapest we do is walk while jogging (Run around). Unwittingly you do it all every day, when you want to shop for food to the nearest shop or keep the child while playing must do walking activities.
For those who do not use private vehicles, the pursuit of public transportation when going to work also includes morning jogging exercise.
Mengatasi kelebihan lemak tubuh dengan olah raga outdoor
Ran out in the afternoon or early morning
Apparently, the above two activities can nourish the body, especially fat fat belly you can slim back followed by a true and healthy diet.
Alternatively, you can do with a casual cycling around the housing or while taking children to school. This is what I usually do, in addition to healthy and fit your body can all wash your eyes (For those who are still single) and breathe fresh air in the morning.
If you are cycling in the afternoon, think of it as refreshing and relaxing after undergoing a solid activity from morning to evening. Because the mind calmly allegedly able to create a healthy and vibrant body.

A variety of outdoor activities to control body fat balance

Fat stacks are usually in the abdomen, visible bloated. And the handling can be said quite difficult if you do not keep the diet properly. Consumption of fatty foods carelessly will cause a collection of fat in your stomach. Moreover you are the offspring of a fat family.
Then choose the type of healthy foods that contain unsaturated fats, if you like the type of light snacks that are processed through frying. The desire to lose weight is a major factor in your success. So, wait let alone do it with regular exercise.

Here are 3 types of exercise as a way to overcome the excess body fat you can do outdoors while relaxing;
1. Walking and Jogging
Familiarize yourself with walking or jogging. Although that move is your legs and not the stomach, but at least you are willing to move. Little by little the calories in your body will burn.
So instead of fat on the stomach that will shrink but other body parts also will also shrink and can make the body more slender. Walking and jogging is a kind of sport that is very easy to do in the home area.

2. Cycling
Who says to shrink the stomach requires heavy-weight exercise? The proof, you can shrink the stomach in a more fun way, that is by cycling.
Decrease the stomach by cycling will not be difficult because cycling is indeed fun. Keep in mind, by biking within 30 minutes, you can burn about 300 calories.

3. Elliptical Trainer
Is a sports tool that you can meet in the gym. Some say that exercise by using this tool is like a combination of walking and climbing stairs. Thus, it not only builds the lower muscles of the body, but also the upper part of our body.
Tips to overcome fat belly fat with this type of sports equipment has a shortage, namely the price of the tool is quite expensive. The advantages, very practical.
All three can you do regularly every day for 30 minutes, no need to overdo it. To minimize injury, warm up first by doing the sport gradually, can be started from a multiple of 10 minutes.
Little by little, the important diligent and continuous. Fix your healthy lifestyle from now on, regular exercise and healthy food consumption will change your life for the better. Hopefully useful and please share this reading.